How To Find Microsoft For Mac

Microsoft office for mac 2016 free download
  1. Microsoft Mac Software
  2. How To Find Microsoft Office For Mac Product Key

Microsoft Mac Software

Note: If you don't see Account or you already have a file or document open, choose File from the menu, and then select either Account or Help from the list on the left. Under Product Information, you'll find your Office product name and, in some cases, the full version number.

How To Find Microsoft For Mac

1 - Product name, such as Office 365 ProPlus or Office Home and Student. 2 - Version number, which includes version, build number, and the type of installation such as Click-to-run or Windows Store. For more information, such as the bit-version, choose About Excel. A dialog box opens, showing the full version number and bit version (32-bit or 64-bit). See Also.

How To Find Microsoft Office For Mac Product Key

For Office for Mac, you can have up to 25 licenses associated with the same Microsoft account: only one license for an Office 365 subscription and multiple one-time-use installs of Office for Mac Home and Student or Home and Business. If you have multiple Mac licenses associated with the same Microsoft account, it's best to start with an Office 365 subscription. A one-time-use license can not be deactivated. If you don’t have an Office 365 subscription, start by using the license at the top of the list and moving your way down.


There isn't a way to track your one-time licenses so we recommend you keep a list as to which license is activated on which device. Add-on button add to bcc for mac. If you don’t remember which license was used, you'll have to go through a process of elimination to determine which ones you've used so far.

This entry was posted on 10.01.2020.