Double Tapping A Checkbox Started Presentation Mode


If I understand your code, John, I think you interpreted the question differently than I did. I think Em wants to hide other slides when the check box is checked, not the current slide. That would involve something more like: Private Sub CheckBox1Click With ActivePresentation.Slides(7).SlideShowTransition.Hidden = Me.CheckBox1.Value.Slides(14).SlideShowTransition.Hidden = Me.CheckBox1.Value.Slides(21).SlideShowTransition.Hidden = Me.CheckBox1.Value.Slides(28).SlideShowTransition.Hidden = Me.CheckBox1.Value End With End Sub In this case 7, 14, 21, 28 simply represent the slides that you want to hide when the box is checked. Change those numbers (and add or subtract lines) if you want to hide a different set of slides.

Of course, if you are talking about hiding the same slide the checkbox is on, ignore this and go with what John said. David Marcovitz Author of Powerful PowerPoint for Educators David Marcovitz Author of Powerful PowerPoint for Educators It depends exactly on what Em is doing. I imagine that there is not just one check box but a series of different check boxes that hide different parts of the presentation based on user preferences. A few procedures like this would take care of that quite nicely while custom shows wouldn't work easily.

If it is just one check box, avoiding code with custom shows would be much better. David Marcovitz Author of Powerful PowerPoint for Educators David Marcovitz Author of Powerful PowerPoint for Educators Yes, you definitely earn a Mr. Tags t-shirt.

It's because of you that I put a section about tags in the second edition of my book. Now, we have four solutions. John's solution is great if the OP wants to hide the current slide. Custom shows (no VBA required) works for hiding/showing one set of slides.

My solution works for multiple sets of slides. Steve's solution works for more complex scenario with lots of (possibly overlapping) sets of slides that need to be managed in some way. If we keep this up, you're going to have to write and add-in for this. And then we'll find out we totally misunderstood the OP, and all she wanted to do was. David Marcovitz Author of Powerful PowerPoint for Educators Hello dear ones, i currently working on a slides show training program, in this slide show i like to give the end user, the option to choose the video he needs to for this session by check box.

I also want to creat a slide to displays text from 2 selections at the time on one output slide the selection should work acording to the number of persons choosen before getting to the selection for example if i choose 4 persons the i should be asked 4 times to choose 4 pair combinations witch then would display on 4 difrent slide the four choosen pairs. Each pair first shows the slides wich makes up each pair (slides with image and and sound. Next it would display on a background image the custom text that comes from each selection, next to each other to create the pair. Next up would be the next pair, and so on. What would be the code for that?

Thanks for your help.

. Central theme: The central theme is the starting point of the Mind Map. A Mind Map consists of a hierarchy of topics (10). Each topic has a single parent topic and zero or more child topics. The central theme is the ultimate parent topic. Collapses or expands a branch.

Invokes the topic toolbar. Adds a note to the topic. Node-well: Adds or. Adjusts topic and text width.

Rotates the topic's branch. Branch: A topic and all its under laying (child-)topics. Highlights a Branch, here the branch for topic A is displayed with a blue branch border. Topic: A topic is the basic element in a Mind Map. Sibling Topic: A topic with the same parent as another topic, this is the sibling of topic B. Child Topic: An underlying topic, this is the child topic of topic B. Relation: A line that connects the parent topic to the child topic.

It visualizes the hierarchical relation between the two topics. A line that connects any two topics that are not hierarchically connected. Drag to reconnect the child topic to another parent. Relation toolbar tool: Invokes the relation's toolbar. Hides the topic or branch.

A text element that is not part of the hierarchical structure. An icon is a small image inside a topic. Checkbox: A clickable checkbox. A navigation link, for example to a web page, another topic or another Mind Map. A voice memo lets you record audio that is played back by clicking this icon.

A floating image, displayed outside the topic it was attached to. Adding topics Single tap the node-well to add a child. Or use the sibling node well to add a sibling topic. This adds a new topic to the selected topic's parent. To insert a topic in between two existing topics use the 'Insert Topic' command from the (drop down) menu.

In free form you can also:. Select the topic you want to add a child to.

Next, double tap in empty space on the Mind Map page. This adds a new child topic at the location you double tapped. Drag the node well or sibling node well to a empty space on the Mind Map page.

This adds a new topic at the location you release the node-well. When nothing is selected, double tapping in empty space adds a new central theme. Editing topic text Double tap a topic to activate the text editor and bring up the keyboard.

Stop editing by tapping outside the text editor. SimpleMind for Android: Long press the add sibling tool to change it to the 'Edit Text' tool. Tapping the edit text tool is equivalent to double tapping the topic.

Deleting elements Select the element you want to delete by tapping it. Then use the delete button from the main editor menu / toolbar. Note: Deleting a topic also deletes the branch. Deleting a cross link does not delete the connected topics. Moving topics around Drag a topic to move it to a different location. To move an entire branch, long press before starting to drag. As feedback, the branch is displayed with a thick border.

SimpleMind Desktop: Press Shift to select the entire branch without the long press delay. In you can move topics around freely. In the selected auto layout scheme determines where topics are positioned and you cannot freely position topics. In auto layout dragging topics is only used to restructure the Mind Map's hierarchy, guided by insertion markers.

Rotating a branch In free form layout the Rotate tool is used to rotate the branches of the selected topic. To rotate the entire Mind Map, use the rotate tool on the central theme.

Long press the rotate tool for additional options, for example to flip topics. SimpleMind Desktop: Press Alt when starting a move to both move and rotate the selected branch. Reconnect a topic to a different parent To reconnect a topic to a different parent topic either:. Select the relation from the topic to its parent topic and drag the reconnect tool to the new parent topic.

Or drag the topic and drop it on the new parent topic. Note: Long press before dragging to to let the child topics keep their relative positions to the parent topic.

Adjusting topic and text width - Line breaks Topic and Label (floating text) widths are adjusted by dragging the word wrap tool. Note: The word wrap tool removes existing lines breaks before it adds new line breaks. You may also manually insert line breaks to wrap text. SimpleMind Desktop: Use Alt+Enter or Ctrl+Enter to manually insert a line break.

SimpleMind for Android/iPhone/iPad: Use Enter. Selecting (multiple) elements Multiple selection enables you to select multiple (unrelated) elements. The selection can contain either topics, or relations or images or floating text. The selected elements are shown with a thick border. Most commands will work with multiple elements selected, for example move, change border width or add checkboxes. SimpleMind for Android or iPad/iPhone: Tap to select a single element. Long press starts the multiple select.

Single tap to include or exclude an element in/from the selection. Long press to include or exclude an entire branch. Clear selection: Tap in empty space to exit multiple selection, leaving a single element selected.

Tap again in empty space to unselect that single selected element too. SimpleMind Desktop: Where it says Control/Command use Control if you are a Windows user. Use Command if you are a Mac user.

Click to select a single element. Long press to select a single branch.

Using shift+click equals using long press. To include or exclude a single element in/from the selection, use Control/Command+click. To include or exclude an entire branch, use Control/Command+long press. Clear selection: click in empty space (or press Escape) to exit multiple selection, leaving a single element selected.

Click again in empty space to unselect that single selected element too. Advanced features Commands in the topic toolbar Select a topic and tap the toolbar icon to bring up the topic toolbar. The topic toolbar contains these topic related commands: not all commands are available on all platforms or when in multiple selection mode.

Cut - cuts the selected topic and branch to the clipboard. Copy - copies the selected topic and branch to the clipboard.

Paste - the pasted topics are added as child to the selected topic. Select palette color or Adjust the Add an Add an. On iPad/iPhone/Android you can also add video.

Add a (floating text). Add a Outliner - shows the structure of the mind map. In the outliner use drag & drop in to reorder topics.

Note: the same order is used when exporting as an html outline. Show or hide topic check boxes.

Show or hide the. Commands in the image toolbar Select an image and click the toolbar icon to bring up the image toolbar.

The image toolbar contains these image related commands: (not all commands are available on all platforms) Order Backward - rearranges the image behind other images in the same containing topic. Order Front - rearranges the image before other images in the same containing topic. Copy - copies the selected image to the clipboard. Use paste from the topic tool bar to paste the image into another topic.

Edit Image Link - change the image link that is opened when double tapping the thumbnail. Change Image - select a different image or photo.

Rotate - rotate the image. Use the two finger rotate gesture. (iPad/iPhone only) Commands in the relation toolbar Select a relation and click the toolbar icon to bring up the relation toolbar. The relation toolbar contains these commands: Adjust the. Clear style customization.

Add a (floating text). Layout and auto arrange SimpleMind supports a free form layout and 4 auto-layout schemes. The free form layout allows you to organize your ideas exactly how you want it. You place topics anywhere you like, in positions that you feel visualize best the relations with other topics. The auto-layouts automatically arrange the topics for you.

Add a topic anywhere, and the auto layout will do the rest. Free Form layout: Place topics anywhere you like. Also available in SimpleMind Free. Horizontal layout: Also available in SimpleMind Free. Vertical layout List Layout: Arranges all topics in 1 vertical list.

Top down layout: Arranges the main topics into multiple vertical lists. To apply a (different) layout, select the the layout button from the. Optionally select the layout direction.

The layout style is then applied to that topic's entire branch. To change the layout style for an entire Mind Map, select the central theme and select a layout style. A topic that has an auto-layout style defined, is marked with this symbol.

You can combine multiple auto layouts in a single Mind Map. Once you have selected an auto layout style for a topic and its branch, it is not possible to change the layout style to free form or another auto layout style further down that branch. In auto layout you can use drag & drop to rearrange the topic order.

Changing this topic order automatically re-positions topics. This same topic order is used for auto numbering inside the Mind Map (1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3 etc.) and when creating a.html outline. In free form layout, the topic order can only be adjusted using the outliner. Change the default layout style for the Central Theme in new Mind Maps in the. Snap options To assist in aligning topics, SimpleMind supports snap to grid and snap to guidelines. Snap to grid When you move a single topic around and snap to grid is enabled, the topic will align or 'snap to' the grid position, even though the grid itself not visible.

Double tapping a checkbox started presentation modem

Double Tapping A Checkbox Started Presentation Mode

This is useful for an accurate placement of topics. Snap to guidelines Guidelines help you align topics to each other.

When enabled, guidelines are displayed when a topic is aligned with another topic. The guide lines are only displayed when you move a single topic around.

This is shown in the video below. In most cases the combination of 'center horizontal' and 'center vertical' guide lines will work best. Because topics are anchored to their center, topics will stay aligned when editing the topic text or when the font(size) is changed. Another useful combination is to horizontal align left and right sides combined with center vertical.

Note that if you change the topic text (or font size), you'll need to re-align the left or right edges. SimpleMind for Android: Select 'Snap options' from the overflow menu.

SimpleMind for iPad/iPhone: Select 'Snap options' from the dropdown menu. SimpleMind Desktop for Mac: Select from the main menu 'SimpleMind' → 'Snap options'. SimpleMind Desktop for Windows: Select auto focus from the statusbar (bottom of the screen), or select from the main menu 'SimpleMind' → 'Options' → 'General'.

Collapse/Expand and Hide/Show Topics can be collapsed to keep oversight in large maps. When a topic is collapsed, the whole branch is hidden. Expand is the reverse of collapse. Tap the collapse tool to either collapse or expand its child topics.

Rather than collapsing a topic, you may hide and show topics one by one. To hide, select the relation (line) and tap. To show tap the show tool. Long press the collapse or hide tool for additional options like collapse children, full expand etc.

Note: When moving or rotating a topic with collapsed or hidden topics (see ), those topics are only moved when the topic's branch is selected. As feedback the hidden topics are then displayed with a dashed outline. You cannot add new child topics while a topic is collapsed.

Display hide tool for topics In addition to the hide tool displayed for the selected relation, you can optionally you display a hide tool for the selected topic. On one side of the topic the hide tool will be added, making it easier to hide that topic. The collapse tool and markers will be moved to the opposite side of the topic. See image below: SimpleMind for Android: From the overflow menu select 'preferences'. Check 'Display Hide tool for topics' in the general tab. SimpleMind for iPad/iPhone: From the dropdown menu select 'preferences'.

Check 'Display Hide tool for topics' in the general tab. SimpleMind Desktop for Windows: Select from the main menu 'SimpleMind' → 'Preferences'. Select the tab 'General' and check 'Display Hide tool for topics'.

SimpleMind Desktop for Mac: Select from the main menu 'SimpleMind' → 'SimpleMind Preferences'. Select the tab 'General' and check 'Display Hide tool for topics'. Add Notes A note allows adding (larger) additional text to a topic without cluttering the Mind Map. Add a note to a topic by tapping the Note tool. A small yellow note marker is displayed in the top right corner for topics containing a note.

Notes are invisible and neither displayed on the Mind Map page nor included when printing the Mind Map or exporting the Mind Map as image. Exporting the Mind Map in.html or.txt outline format includes the notes and this format may be imported into a word processor.

Labels (floating text) A label is a text element that is not part of the Mind Map's hierarchical structure. Labels are commonly used to label relations or to add visible comments, as opposed to the invisible notes. A label is a floating element, you can drag it top any position you like, but it cannot be visibly linked to other elements. Labels are anchored to a topic or relation: if you move the topic, the labels are moved along with it.

Drag a label to it to a different location. Drag and drop a label on another topic to anchor the label to the other topic.

(Not possible between relations) To add a label to a topic or relation, tap the toolbar and select the label icon. Images and photos With SimpleMind you can add. a single image embedded inside a topic. multiple floating images outside a topic A floating image has no (visible) connection to the topic.

An embedded image is part of the topic and therefore part of the Mind Map's hierarchical structure. To add an image, select the topic you want to add the image to. Then, use the topic toolbar and tap the image icon. Select what type of image you want to add.

Adding images embedded in a topic You can embed a single image inside a topic. After adding the image, you can drag the the resize tool to increase the image size. Optionally use the command 'Add topic with embedded image' to create a new transparent (child) topic without borders, and only containing an image.

Adding floating images SimpleMind supports adding multiple floating images to a topic. After adding an image, SimpleMind shows a thumbnail of the image in the Mind Map. Double tap the thumbnail to view the full size image. When adding a floating image you have three choices on how to store the full size image:. Embed in Mind Map: A copy of the full size image is embedded in your Mind Map file, optionally reduced in size. The advantage is that the full size image is available across devices. However, embedding increases the size of your Mind Map file.

Large Mind Maps can take very long to synchronize via clouds. Link to source: Rather than embedding the full size image, a link to the full size image's current location is stored in the Mind Map. When linking to an image on your device/computer the full size image is bound to your device and the full size image is not available on other devices. When linking to an image that is already in a cloud, a device independent cloud link is stored in the Mind Map. The full size image can be opened on other devices that have access to the same cloud. Upload to Cloud: Rather than embedding the full size image, a copy of the full size image is uploaded to the cloud and a device independent cloud link is stored in the Mind Map. The full size image can be opened on other devices that have access to the same cloud.

Images are anchored to their containing topic: if you move the topic, its images are moved along with it. Drag an image and drop it on another topic to anchor the image to the other topic. In free form layout you can drag an image and move it anywhere on the Mind Map. In auto layout you can drag an image to change the distance between the topic and the image. Resize the image thumbnail The resize tool allows increasing the thumbnail size, at the cost of displaying it at a lower resolution.

While resizing may look OK at the device / monitor, it may appear rough when printing. SimpleMind Desktop: You can also add an image via drag-drop from Windows Explorer/Mac Finder or paste a copied image. Icons An icon is a (small) picture displayed inside a topic. A topic can have 1 icon at most.

SimpleMind has 100+ build-in stock icons to choose from. You can also add your own custom icons. To add an icon to a topic, select the topic and tap the toolbar icon. Then, from the topic toolbar tap the icon button. This brings up the icon picker.

Tap an icon to assign it to the topic. SimpleMind Desktop: Use the icon picker in the inspector panel on the right side of your screen. Adding custom icons To add your own custom icons to the custom icons tab, open the icon picker as described above and select the 'Custom Icons' tab.

How you add a new custom icon depends on the platform: SimpleMind for Android: Use the commands in the top toolbar: 'Image from Gallery', 'Take a small picture' or 'Image from file'. SimpleMind for iPad/iPhone: Select the custom icons tab and tap 'Edit Custom Icons'. This opens the custom icon editor. On the top toolbar tap '+' to add a new icon, for example from camera roll.

When you're done, tap 'Back' to exit the custom icons editor. SimpleMind Desktop: In the icon picker, select the 'Custom Icons' tab. At the bottom toolbar click 'Edit Icons'. This enables the edit mode. You can now use 'Add' to select one or more images.

When you're done adding images, click 'Edit Icons' again to exit the edit mode. Custom icons are reduced to a maximum of 240 pixels wide or high irrespective of the size of the original image. Navigation Links SimpleMind supports adding a (single) navigation link to a topic. You may link to a Mind Map, a web page or a document or file on your device. From the topic toolbar select link to add or remove a link.

A link is depicted with a navigation icon to the right of the topic's text. Tap this navigation icon to open the link.

Link to a web page: Links the topic to a web page. Fill out, or copy/paste, the whole internet-address, including or to make the link work. Link to a document in the cloud: Adds a device independent link to a document in the same cloud (such as Dropbox) as the Mind Map. This link can be opened across devices as long as they have access to the same cloud. Linking to a document in the cloud is only available when you are working on a Mind Map that is stored in the cloud. Link to a document or file on your device(Mac SimpleApps edition/Windows/Android): A link to a local file is bound to your device or computer and won't open across devices.

To overcome this problem, SimpleMind optionally allows uploading a copy of the linked document to a cloud. The link will then actually be a 'Link to Document in Cloud' as described above and will be available across devices. SimpleMind for Mac (AppStore edition) and SimpleMind for iPad/iPhone do not support linking to a file on your device due to Apple's security policy. Linking to a specific page in a pdf (SimpleMind for Desktop only): Use the table of contents of the pdf to link to a specific page in the pdf document. From the topic toolbar select link to document or web page. Click the pdf icon and select the pdf.

Next, select the page you want to link to. SimpleMind Desktop for Mac (AppStore edition) doesn't support linking to a file on your device due to Apple's security policy. Link to a Mind Map: Links to another Mind Map on your device on or in a cloud.


Copy/Paste Link to Topic: Links to a specific topic in the same or another Mind Map. See how this works in the video below. Display branch borders A branch border visually groups a branch by drawing a line around the elements in that branch.

The branch border's colors are auto-derived from the topic's fill color and Mind Map background color. To display a branch border, use the topic toolbar and select the branch border icon. Video - iPad/iPhone & Android SimpleMind for iPad/iPhone and SimpleMind for Android support adding multiple video recordings to a topic. SimpleMind adds an image with a thumbnail of the video in the Mind Map. Double tap the thumbnail to play back the video. To add a video recording, select the topic you want to add the video to. Use the topic toolbar and select the image icon.

Tap 'Add image'. Select 'Record Movie'.

Where the video file is stored, depends on whether the Mind Map is stored in a cloud or a local Mind Map: When the Mind Map is stored in a cloud, the video file will be uploaded to that cloud. The recording can be played back on other devices that have access to the same cloud. SimpleMind Desktop is able to play back those videos too.

For local Mind Maps the recording will be stored locally on your device. Because it is bound to your device, the recording can not be played back on other devices. Voice memo's - iPad/iPhone & Android SimpleMind for iPad/iPhone and SimpleMind for Android support adding a voice memo to a topic.

After adding a voice memo SimpleMind shows a voice recording icon in the topic. Tap the voice memo icon to play back the voice memo. To add a voice memo, select the topic you want to add to video to. Use the topic toolbar and select the voice memo icon. Where the audio file is stored, depends on whether the Mind Map is stored in a cloud or a local Mind Map: When the Mind Map is stored in a cloud, the voice memo file will be uploaded to that cloud. It can be played back on other devices that have access to the same cloud. For local Mind Maps the voice memo is be stored locally on your device.

Because it is bound to your device, the voice memo cannot be played back on other devices. SimpleMind for Android: You can choose to save the recording of a local Mind Map in a cloud or on a public directory on your device. SimpleMind Desktop is able to play back voice memos recorded with SimpleMind mobile editions. Add cross links Cross links are used to connect any two topics that are not hierarchically connected. To add a cross link, select the topic to which you want to add a cross link. Then:. Drag the node-well and release it on the topic you want to connect to.

Or use the, select the cross link icon to add a cross link between topics that are located a further distance away from each other. The cross link's path can be.

Relation paths In SimpleMind you can choose between 3 relation path types. Select this in the Style sheet, Mind Map style or per relation. Curved paths. Straight paths. Angled paths Drag a relation line to manually adjust the path. Use the to clear the manually adjusted path.

Note for smaller mobile devices: Enable 'Draggable relation lines' in Preferences. Visual appearance Styling hierarchy The visual appearance of a Mind Map and its elements (topics, relations etc.) is controlled by styles.

A style defines colors, borders, font size etc. These styles are hierarchically organized. This hierarchy of styles allows you to adjust / redefine appearance on each level:. Top-level: when no other style settings have been applied, the selected style sheet defines the appearance of the Mind Map. The Mind Map style is used to redefine (aspects of) the selected style sheet for all elements in the opened Mind Map. The element style is used to redefine the appearance for a single element. Additionally you can set that operate on a global level for all Mind Maps.

Style sheets A style sheet contains a complete definition for a Mind Map's appearance. It for example defines a color scheme and sub-styles for topics and relations. SimpleMind has a set of well looking build-in style sheets that allow you to quickly change the look of your Mind Map. Such as: Bright colors, Natural Colors and Spring levels. To select a style sheet: SimpleMind for iPad/iPhone: Tap the style sheet tool from the toolbar or tap 'Style'. SimpleMind for Android: Tap the style sheet tool from the toolbar or 'Select Style' from the overflow menu. SimpleMind for Desktop: Use the style sheet drop down in the style toolbar.

Custom style sheets Custom style sheets allow customizing and extending the build-in style sheets. For example: create a custom style sheet with a different background color and a different color palette. The custom style sheets appear in the style sheet list, just like the build-in style sheets. The main difference between adjusting the Mind Map style versus creating a custom style sheet is that changes to the Mind Map style are effective for that Mind Map only, whereas a custom style sheet can be used in multiple Mind Maps. Level versus Branch based style sheets Style sheets can either apply the color scheme per level or per branch.

A level based style applies colors per level like so: A branch based style applies colors per branch like so: Note: if you change a topic's color in a branch based style, this affects the whole branch, unless a child defines it's own customized color. Mind Map Style The Mind Map style allows to customize style sheet attributes (border style for example) and affects all elements in opened Mind Map.

Additionally it controls Mind Map specific attributes like:. Auto numbering,. Mind Map background color,. Custom checkbox color Without a custom color, topic checkboxes are tinted according to the topic colors. Note: Defining (near) white as custom checkbox color results in plain black and white checkboxes.

The way hierarchical relations are connected to topics (centered, base line or left-right). To adjust the Mind Map style: SimpleMind for iPad/iPhone: Select Mind Map Style from the dropdown menu.

SimpleMind for Android: Select Mind Map Style from the overflow menu. SimpleMind for Desktop for Mac: Select from the main menu 'Style' → 'Mind Map Style'.

SimpleMind for Desktop for Windows: Select from the main menu 'Visual style' → 'Mind Map Style'. Element Style Each element's (topic, relation) visual appearance is ultimately controlled by the element's style.

The element style allows to fine tune appearance by redefining attributes like border style, border width, colors and alignment. To adjust the element style: SimpleMind for iPhone/iPad & Android: Tap the element's toolbar and select.

SimpleMind Desktop: Use the style tab on the element's properties dialog (Windows Ctrl+E, Mac, Alt+Command+E). However: in SimpleMind desktop you'll probably find it much easier to use the style toolbar to customize appearance for selected elements than adjusting the element style via the Properties dialog Style tab.

Style presets Rather than selecting the same combination of custom fill color or border width repeatedly, SimpleMind supports applying style presets. A style preset defines customized attributes like fill color, stroke color and border style. By applying this preset, you are able to at change multiple attributes at once.

SimpleMind comes with a set of pre-defined presets but you can also create your own presets. For style sheets, changing a topic's color affects the whole branch. SimpleMind Desktop: Use the presets button from the style toolbar (star icon). Related: the style toolbar also allows to copy/paste a style from one element to other elements.

SimpleMind for iPhone/iPad/Android: To apply a style preset, tap from the topic toolbar. To add a style preset, tap style presets, tap edit (iPhone/iPad) then +. The eraser preset clears the element's style customization. When multiple topics are selected the eraser is available directly from the.

Preferences In preferences you can control basic visual attributes for all Mind Maps, like, snap options, general options and image options. To open the preferences: SimpleMind for iPad/iPhone: Select 'Preferences' from the drop down menu. SimpleMind for Android: Select 'Preferences' from the overflow menu. SimpleMind for Desktop: Select from the main menu 'SimpleMind' → 'Preferences'. Fonts The fonts that are used in all mind maps are defined in Preferences. This assures Mind Maps look identical across platforms and devices.

If you do adjust the default global fonts on one device, select the same fonts on other devices to assure shared/synchronized Mind Maps look identical. Rather than adjusting global font sizes to improve legibility, we recommend adjusting the editor scale factor. The editor scale factor changes the scale used at 100% zoom level. Adjusting the editor scale factor, rather than adjusting font sizes, assures your Mind Maps look identical across all devices.

See more in the video below. Presentation mode Use the presentation mode to showcase your Mind Map. In presentation mode SimpleMind enters full screen and editing is disabled. Commands that stay available are: hide/show topics and collapse/expand branch.

SimpleMind for iPad/iPhone: Select presentation mode from the dropdown menu. SimpleMind for Android: Select presentation mode from the toolbar or overflow menu. SimpleMind Desktop: From the main menu select 'View' → '(Toggle) Presentation mode'. Auto focus (Desktop only) SimpleMind desktop supports auto focus, a powerful feature, mainly used in presentation mode. You can. auto focus the selected topic only,.

auto focus the selected topic and the children (see image below),. auto focus the entire branch. SimpleMind Desktop for Windows: Select 'Auto focus' from the statusbar (bottom of the screen), or use main menu 'Zoom' → 'Auto Focus'. SimpleMind Desktop for Mac: Click auto focus button on the toolbar, or use main menu 'Zoom' → 'Auto Focus'.

This entry was posted on 02.02.2020.